The 10 best parenting books to read this summer


For you, our parents, we’ve put together a list of the best beach or poolside reads (with some Oppidan favourites mixed in) to help you support your children.


Michele Borba

Jam-packed with the Oppidan ethos, this book suggests practical ways students can develop the key skills for the future.

Daniel Siegel

A practical focus on a child’s brain development.

Carol Dweck

The legendary author of the growth mindset phenomenon, another book we love here at Oppidan.

Michelle Icard

Described as “like a Rosetta Stone for your tween's confounding language” this book about communication helps set up your teenager for success.


Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Practical steps for communication, boundaries and positive parenting.

Pamela Druckerman

An amusing journey through how French parents navigate parenting.

Alison Havey and Deana Puccio

An essential guide to the challenges of growing up as a digital native.

Naoki Higashida and Ka Yoshida

Suitable for parents with children with autism.


Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Perfect for families with siblings, this is an essential guide to navigating those arguments on the stairs.

Peggy Dawson and Richard Guare

Suitable for parents with children with ADHD.


Decoding the London 11+ Consortium Exam


Heads & Tales - Joe Seddon