Eaton Square Senior School


Our third partner in the Dukes Education group, in January 2024 Oppidan launched a peer mentor training programme with Eaton Square Senior School.  

The programme aims to foster reciprocal and supportive relationships between pupils from different year groups. These relationships aim to bridge the gap and overcome hierarchical divisions that can exist in spaces where inter-year interaction is limited - building community and fostering positive relationships across year groups. The initiative acknowledges the influential role that students can have on each other within school environments. It seeks to leverage this influence to bring about positive changes amongst students.  

On self-reported surveying, Eaton Square students rated their collaboration skills highly whereas oracy and sense of belonging within the school environment were marginally lower.  

Student mentors have commenced sessions with their younger mentees which will continue until Easter when Oppidan will host a focus group to track progress.  


Learn more about how our Peer Mentor Training can impact your school.

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